Meet Erin

Hi! I’m Erin! I am here to help you create space to write in everyday life. Life is crazy busy. I know.

I also know that making space in our lives for creativity is ESSENTIAL for survival and wellbeing. Our wellbeing and the survival of those around us.

My writing experience began 40 years ago, in the form of stories about a girl and her horse, secretly scribbled in my fifth-grade notebooks. My high school journals describe my desire to be a writer, over and over, but I wasn’t sure what to do with that desire. I kept writing and here I am today with two devotional books. an audiobook, published articles, a pile of rejected manuscripts, a website, a YouTube channel, and do you know, I still find it hard to sit down and WRITE.

The writing life is filled with contradictions, but I still love it.

Through the years, I’ve discovered that there are a few things writers need to just keep writing. It’s not superglue, although that might help us stay seated for a while. We need connection and helpful content. Writers NEED other writers, even if they write in different genres, or have different writing habits. We need to be around other people who wrestle with words, who pace around, trying to get the sentences to make sense, who can celebrate with us when it all falls into place and makes sense.

I’ve created this space to be a place of connection for writers. I am looking forward to introducing you to my people, the writers who have encouraged me over the years. Every time I’ve moved toward my writing dreams there have been people who have encouraged me, who said “What a great idea!” or taught me how to get to the next step or gave me a kick in the pants when I listened to doubt and fear.

Writers NEED other writers. This community needs you. I’m so glad you are here!

The helpful content in my blog posts will fall into four general categories: practical tips, encouragement, favorite tools, and community. If you have something you’d like to share, check out our writing guidelines. I love having guest posts!

I’m so glad you are here!